Что посоветуете по радиусу поворота, в основном для силичей, раз в год выезд на большие горы...? С точки зрения здравого смысла. Понимаю, что предпочтения какими дугами кататься - дело личное. Сам вот на 21,5 езжу, ну вы поняли....
И ещё одно замечание про 21,5. Смотря что имеет эти 21. Я свои 21 давно на чердак забросил. Гнуть в Силичах лыжу для гиганта, пусть и женскую, нет никакого понта.
Сейчас появилось достаточное количество лыж с носком за 123 и талией за 70. Я бы их назвал уширенными слаломками. Именно такие 156 себе и прикупили. Жене так вообще понравились после 170 WC. Лёгкие, вёрткие, в свинорое всплывают, дугу тянут вполне прилично. Но могут и пятками стрельнуть, если загрузить как положено. _________________ Нет никакого карвинга! Нет никакой ложки.
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Overdrinking of alcohol is a problem that many teens face nowadays. In fact, it is one of the most common problems faced by teens all over the world. As a matter of fact, underage drinking is considered to be the worst disease among all drinking problems because it has so many negative effects on the life of a teenager. Teenagers who get involved in underage drinking usually experience depression, withdrawal symptoms, poor grades in school, loss of friends and even some substance abuse in their future. These effects will last a lot longer than those caused by other drinking problems. Many people, especially parents, feel that the solution to prevent underage drinking is a simple one. However, there are also some effective ways of making sure that your teen does not get involved in underage drinking. You can start by keeping your child away from all parties where alcohol is used. You can also make sure that your kid does not get involved in chat rooms that contain people who regularly drink. Another great way of preventing your teen drinking is to let them spend more time with their friends who do not drink alcohol. Of course, you should not forget the importance of keeping your child away from social media sites. It might seem a little strange to ban your child from using social media sites, but there is really no reason for such thing. This is because social media sites have tremendous amount of influence over your child. As a matter of fact, if your child spends a lot of time on social media sites, he/she might develop an addiction to it and might try to drink alcohol at every chance.